Powder Brows: The Perfectly Soft and Natural Look

Achieve beautifully defined eyebrows with our Powder Brows treatment, a semi-permanent makeup technique designed to create a soft, powdered effect that mimics the look of perfectly applied makeup. Unlike traditional eyebrow tattoos, Powder Brows offer a natural, gradient finish, starting lighter at the front and gradually becoming darker towards the tail, giving your brows depth and dimension.

Powder Brow Information



Hold off on those skin thinners (Retinol, Vitamin A, glycolic acids, AHAs/BHAs, exfoliation superheroes) for two weeks before the big brow day. This doesn’t just mean the brow area but nothing on your forehead either. 

If you're into brow shaping, get that sorted at least 2 weeks before our date. Shaping at our session? Absolutely!

Tinting fan? Do it at least2 weeks before the procedure—let those brows show their true colors.

Cosmetic Botox or fillers? Get that done 4 weeks before or after our art session.

Say no to alcohol and caffeine 24 hours prior—let's keep the vibes steady - this thins your blood and will lead to poorly healed results so do NOT skip this.

Blood thinners like aspirin, ibuprofen, Niacin? Hold off 48 hours before we dive into brow magic. Excess bleeding is a no-no.

Sorry, but I can't tattoo over rashes, abrasions, moles, acne - they've got to sit this one out.


For the first hour, give your brows a gentle blot with the antiseptic wipe I provide. Trust me, we're avoiding scabs and crazy peeling!

Within a few hours, it's wash time! Use the aftercare soap provided:

Wash hands. Tiny bit of soap (that I provide you with) and water OUTSIDE OF SHOWERGentle swipe in the direction of the hair to remove excess oil and oozing
Rinse thoroughly—no soap left behind!
at dry with a clean paper towel
Apply balm (remember, tiny amount, not goopy)
Wash morning and night for 10 days.
Apply balm morning and night for 10 days. If you're using my balm right, you'll have enough for a touch-up. Rice grain amount for both brows, not a rice grain each!
Keep them dry—I do provide protective visors for the shower but no excessive sweating, no sauna, or no hot tub adventures for a bit.
Say no to direct sunlight for 2 weeks—brows need a shady break - can you take a walk? Absolutely but protect those brows, wear a cute hat and sunglasses.
Hands off for two whole weeks—no makeup, lotion, face wash, serums, on or near the brow area so think about it like this…anything from the eyes down is fine. After that, go easy on active ingredients.
Resist the urge to pick or scratch at scabs, and please, no face-sleeping! Let those brows rest peacefully.





$150 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit

$399 1st Session

$150 Optional touchup 6-9 weeks after your initial session.

If you go past 12 weeks it would be  considered a yearly color boost for $309 - NO EXCEPTIONS

Please plan your schedule accordingly.